ESSV Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung

Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation Band 93: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2019

Conference proceedings of the 30st conference in Dresden with 45 contributions. Editor(s): Peter Birkholz, Simon Stone ISBN: 978-3-959081-57-3


50 years Institute of Acoustics and Speech Communication – 30 years Conference Electronic Speech Signal Processing – 20 years Historic Acoustic-Phonetic Collection

Rüdiger Hoffmann

Spracherkennung und -wahrnehmung

Investigation of densely connected convolutional networks with domain adversarial learning for noise robust speech recognition

Chia Yu Li, Ngoc Thang Vu

Convolutional neural networks can learn duration for detecting pitch accents and lexical stress

Sabrina Stehwien, Antje Schweitzer, Ngoc Thang Vu

Perception of German tense and lax vowel contrast by Chinese learners

Yingmin Gao, Hongwei Ding, Peter Birkholz, Rainer Jäckel, Yi Lin


Silent speech interfaces for speech restoration: current status and future challenges

José Andrés González López


Semi-automatische Generierung und Reinforcement Learning basiertes Training eines Dialogmanagers

Stefan Hillmann, Klaus-Peter Engelbrecht, Benjamin Weiss

Comparing phonetic changes in computer-directed and human-directed speech

Eran Raveh, Ingmar Steiner, Ingo Siegert, Iona Gessinger, Bernd Möbius

Analysis and categorization of corrections in multilingual spoken dialogue system

Ivan Kraljevski, Diane Hirschfeld


Speech and voice identity recognition in the human brain

Katharina von Kriegstein

Gehirn und kognitive Modelle

Lernen durch Differenz. Zur logisch-mathematischen Struktur maschinellen Lernens

Peter Klimczak, Günther Wirsching, Matthias Wolff

Extraction of the Ɵ- and ɤ-cycles active in human speech processing from an articulatory speech database

Harald Höge

Bidirektionale Utterance-Meaning-Transducer für Zahlworte durch kompositionale minimalistische Grammatiken

Peter beim Graben, Werner Meyer, Ronald Römer, Matthias Wolff


In Articulation for Diversity

Korin Richmond


Comparison of different methods for the voiced excitation of physical vocal tract models

Peter Birkholz, Simon Stone, Steffen Kürbis

Resynthesizing the GECO speech corpus with VocalTractLab

Konstantin Sering, Niels Stehwien, Yingming Gao, Martin V. Butz, Harald Baayen

How should Pepper sound - Preliminary investigations on robot vocalizations

Felix Burkhardt, Milenko Saponja, Julian Sessner, Benjamin Weiss


Sprache von Produktgeräuschen – Mensch-Produkt Interaktion

Ercan Altinsoy

Medizinische Anwendungen

Influence of speech activity on vibrometer signals to extract vital parameters of humans

Kristian Kroschel, Jürgen Metzler

Schnelle Regelung eines monolithischen vollimplantierbaren Hörgeräts

Till Moritz Eßinger, Martin Koch, Matthias Bornitz, Hannes Seidler, Marcus Neudert, Thomas Zahnert

Poster und Demonstrationen

The restaurant booking corpus – content-identical comparative human-human and humancomputer simulated telephone conversations

Ingo Siegert, Jannik Nietzold, Ralph Heinemann, Andreas Wendemuth

ReTiCo: An open-source framework for modeling real-time conversations in spoken dialogue systems

Thilo Michael, Sebastian Möller

Segmenting multi-intent queries for spoken language understanding

Rohan Shet, Elena Davcheva, Christian Uhle

Exploration and assessment of proactive use cases for an in-car voice assistant

Maria Schmidt, Daniela Stier, Steffen Werner, Wolfgang Minker

Analysis of the influence of different room acoustics on acoustic emotion features

Juliane Höbel-Müller, Ingo Siegert, Ralph Heinemann, Alicia Flores Requardt, Michael Tornow, Andreas Wendemuth

Vergleich verschiedener Machine-Learning Ansätze zur kontinuierlichen Schätzung von perzeptivem Sprechtempo

Benjamin Weiss, Thilo Michael, Uwe Reichel, Oliver Pauly

IMS-speech: A speech to text tool

Pavel Denisov, Ngoc Thang Vu

Schätzung der spektralen Einhüllenden – Ein Vergleich von tiefen neuronalen Netzen und Codebüchern

Christopher Seitz, Mohammed Krini

Entscheidungstheoretische Modellierung der konsummatorischen Endhandlung – Vergleich von klassischen und quantenmechanischen Ansätzen

Ronald Römer, Peter beim Graben, Matthias Wolff

Multimodal speech segmentation using gaze data and spectrogram image features

Arif Khan, Ingmar Steiner

Design and deployment of multilingual industrial voice control applications

Ivan Kraljevski, M. Pohl, A. Gjoreski, U. Koloska, J. Wöhl, M. Wenzel, D. Hirschfeld

Drone sounds and environmental signals – a first review

Oliver Jokisch, Dominik Fischer

Surface stickiness and waviness of two-layer silicone structures for synthetic vocal folds

Falk Gabriel, Patrick Häsner, Eike Dohmen, Dmitry Borin, Peter Birkholz

A toolkit for nested multi-turn speech dialog in automotive environments

Timo Sowa, Soyuj Kumar Sahoo

Modell einer Frauenstimme für die artikulatorische Sprachsynthese mit VocalTractLab

Susanne Drechsel, Yingming Gao, Jens Frahm, Peter Birkholz

How to identify elliptical poems within a digital corpus of auditory poetry

Hussein Hussein, Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek, Timo Baumann

Dynamic vocabulary with a Kaldi speech recognizer in a speech dialog system for automotive infotainment applications

Thomas Ranzenberger, Christian Hacker, Karl Weilhammer

Automatic vocal tract segmentation based on conditional generative adversarial neural network

Mohammad Eslami, Christiane Neuschaefer-Rube, Antoine Serrurier


The myoelastic-aerodynamic theory of sound production in humans, mammals, and birds

Christian Herbst


Filled pause detection by prosodic discontinuity features

Uwe D. Reichel, Benjamin Weiss, Thilo Michael

Zur Annotation nicht-verbaler Vokalisierungen in Korpora gesprochener Sprache

Jürgen Trouvain, Malte Belz

Towards ordinal classification of voice quality features with acoustic parameters

Felix Schaeffler, Matthias Eichner, Janet Beck


Analysis of coarticulation using EMA data with a statistical shape space model of the tongue

Alexander Hewer, Ingmar Steiner, Korin Richmond

Modelling vowel acquisition using the Birkholz synthesizer

Ian S. Howard, Peter Birkholz

Influence of the vocal tract morphology on the F1-F2 acoustic plane

Antoine Serrurier, Pierre Badin, Christiane Neuschaefer-Rube

Numerische Studie zum Einfluss laryngealer Areale auf individuelle und allgemeine akustische Eigenschaften des menschlichen Vokaltrakts bei gehaltenen Vokalen

Mario Fleischer, Alexander Mainka, Dirk Mürbe