ESSV Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung

Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation Band 90: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2018

Conference proceedings of the 29st conference in Ulm with 48 contributions. Editor(s): André Berton, Udo Haiber, Wolfgang Minker ISBN: 978-3-959081-28-3


The Mobile Cognitive Assistant: Bridging the Gap between In-Car and Outside-the-car Experiences

Dr. Stefan Ortmanns, Dr. Udo Haiber

Signal Processing

Automatic Equalization for In-Car Communication Systems

Philipp Bulling, Klaus Linhard, Arthur Wolf, Gerhard Schmidt

Energy-Decay Based Postfilter for ICC Systems with Feedback Cancellation

Marco Gimm, Philipp Bulling, Gerhard Schmidt

On the relationship between instantaneous frequency and pitch in speech signals

Zied Mnasri, Hamid Amiri

Enhancing Multilingual Graphemic RNN based ASR Systems Using Phone Information

Markus Müller, Sebastian Stüker, Alex Waibel

Recent Improvements to Neural Network Based Acoustic Modeling in the EML Real-Time Transcription Platform

Volker Fischer, Omid Ghahabi, Siegfried Kunzmann

DNN Online Adaptation for Automatic Speech Recognition

Xinwei Li, Yue Pan, Matthew Gibson, Puming Zhan

Using Elementary Articulatory Gestures as Phonetic Units for Speech Recognition

Harald Höge


Evaluation of Different Excitation Generation Algorithms for Artificial Bandwidth Extension

Jonas Sautter, Friedrich Faubel, Markus Buck, Gerhard Schmidt

Unsupervised Neural-Network Based Vocal Tract Length Normalization

Philip Harding, Matthew Gibson

Multi-condition Deep Neural Network Training

Matthew Gibson, Christian Plahl, Puming Zhan, Gary Cook

A Robust Voice Activity Detection for Real-Time Automatic Speech Recognition

Omid Ghahabi, Wei Zhou, Volker Fischer

Ein Vorschlag für ein Webangebot zur Geschichte der Automatischen Spracherkennung

Stephan Euler

Zeichensatz-Erweiterung zur phonetischen Transkription pathologischer Sprache

Catharina Stille, Bernd J. Kröger

Voice Preference in German: A Cross-linguistic Comparison of Native and Chinese Listeners

Hongwei Ding, Rüdiger Hoffmann, Oliver Jokisch

Acoustic Addressee-Detection - Analysing the Impact of Age, Sex and Technical Knowledge

Ingo Siegert, Tang Shuran, Alicia Flores Lotz

Explorative Untersuchung von Multi-Intents in Sprachdialogsystemen

Jakob Landesberger, Daniel Kornmüller, Ute Ehrlich

Agenten in höheren Sphären - Quantenmechanische Situationsmodellierung kognitiver Systeme am Beispiel des Mouse-Maze-Problems

Markus Huber, Ronald Römer

Realisation of an Audio & Video Laboratory for Precise Object Localization and Tracking

Robert Manthey, Hussein Hussein, René Erler, Richard Siegel, Danny Kowerko

Towards a Speaking Style-Adaptive Assistant for Task-Oriented Applications

Maria Schmidt, Patricia Braunger

Simulation von Nutzerverhalten bei der Interaktion mit Sprachdialogsystemen mittels Künstlicher Neuronaler Netzwerke

Stefan Hillmann, Benjamin Weiss, Thilo Michael, Sebastian Möller

Untersuchung der kognitiven Beanspruchung durch Sprachassistenzsysteme

Daniel Duran, Natalie Lewandowski

Der Fockraum als Labyrinth: Wissensrepräsentation und Problemlösungen am Beispiel des Mouse-Maze-Problems

Peter beim Graben, Markus Huber, Ronald Römer, Ingo Schmitt, Matthias Wolff


Conversation modelling for chatbots: current approaches and future directions

Michael McTear

Speech Processing and Prosody

Kontinuierliche Schätzung von Sprechgeschwindigkeit mit einem Rekurrenten Neuronalen Netzwerk

Benjamin Weiss, Thilo Michael, Stefan Hillmann

Recognizing Modern Sound Poetry with LSTM Networks

Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek, Hussein Hussein, Timo Baumann

Towards a speaker localization from spontaneous speech: north-south classification for speakers of contemporary German

Thomas Kisler, Florian Schiel

Affective Speech

Emotion Recognition from Disturbed Speech - Towards Affective Computing in Real-World In-Car Environments

Alicia Flores Lotz, Fabian Faller, Ingo Siegert, Andreas Wendemuth

The Effect of Emotional Speech on Relative Speaker Discrimination

Juliane Höbel-Müller, Ronald Böck, Andreas Wendemuth

Influence of Age, Gender and Sample Duration on the Charisma Assessment of German Speakers

Oliver Jokisch, Viktor Iaroshenko, Michael Maruschke, Hongwei Ding

Testing speech perception today and tomorrow: serious computer games as perception tests

Natalie Lewandowski, Daniel Duran


Multimodal Affect Classification Using Deep Neural Networks

Friedhelm Schwenker

Speech Dialog

Acoustic Detection of Consecutive Stages of Spoken Interaction Based on Speaker-Group Specific Features

Ronald Böck, Olga Egorow, Andreas Wendemuth

Development of a Natural Language Speech Dialogue System for an AR-based, Adaptive Mobility Agent

Ivan Kraljevski, Marion Fischer, Aleksandar Gjoreski, Diane Hirschfeld

Dodging the Question in Competitive Spoken Dialogs: Semantic and Prosodic Characteristics

Uwe D. Reichel, Piroska Lendvai


Towards Natural Spoken Interaction with Artificial Intelligent Systems

Stefan Ultes

Demo Session

The Dragon Drive Innovation Showcase: Advancing the State-of-the-Art in Automotive Assistants

Julien Villemure, Peter Yeh, Robert Policano, Michael Kaisser, Rainer Gruhn

A Toolkit for 3D-Gesture and Speech Dialog in Automotive Environments

Timo Sowa, Alexander Richter, Dietmar Fey

Integration of a Kaldi Speech Recognizer into a Speech Dialog System for Automotive Infotainment Applications

Thomas Ranzenberger, Christian Hacker, Florian Gallwitz

Verhaltenssteuerung einer universellen kognitiven Benutzerschnittstelle anhand einer Heizungssteuerung

Werner Meyer, Markus Huber, Matthias Wolff


In-Car (Voice) Communication: Problems, Solutions, and Challenges

Gerhard Schmidt

Signal Processing in Health and Music

Contactless Measurement of the Respiration Frequency by Vibrometry

Kristian Kroschel, Jürgen Metzler

Towards combined force and distance sensing using only optical sensors to aid in stroke rehabilitation

Christoph Wagner, Simon Stone, Peter Birkholz

Piano Transcriber - A Note-based Approach for Multipitch Tracking

Peter Steiner, Simon Stone, Peter Birkholz

Speech Synthesis

Zu Mustern der Pausengestaltung in natürlicher und synthetischer Lesesprache

Jürgen Trouvain, Bernd Möbius

Ironic Speech - Evaluating Acoustic Correlates by Means of Speech Synthesis

Felix Burkhardt, Alexandra Steinhilber, Benjamin Weiss

Using state feedback to control an articulatory synthesizer

Ian S. Howard, Peter Birkholz

Optimierung der Numerik eines linearen Gleichungssystems für die Simulation des Schallfeldes im Vokaltrakt

Johann August Marwitz, Simon Stone, Peter Birkholz