6 Results for given search request:
"Daniel Duran" in Authors2013
Modeling multi-modal factors in speech production with the context-sequence model
Daniel Duran, Jagoda Bruni, Grzegorz Dogil
Akustische Korrelate wahrgenommener Persönlichkeitsmerkmale und Stimmattraktivität
Daniel Duran, Natalie Lewandowski, Jagoda Bruni, Antje Schweitzer
Untersuchung der kognitiven Beanspruchung durch Sprachassistenzsysteme
Daniel Duran, Natalie Lewandowski
Testing speech perception today and tomorrow: serious computer games as perception tests
Natalie Lewandowski, Daniel Duran
Der Faktor Mensch in der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion
Daniel Duran, Sarah Warchhold
Analysis of phonetic/prosodic features in interaction stages
Daniel Duran, Ronald Böck