Dear colleagues and friends of the ESSV,
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the 32nd Conference on Electronical Speech Signal Processing (ESSV) 2021. This year, it will be held March 03 – 05 as a virtual conference organized from Berlin.
The ESSV conference covers a wide range of areas in speech processing. We invite you to contribute papers to the following topics:
- Speech recognition and natural language understanding
- Speech synthesis and natural language generation
- Spoken and multimodal dialog systems
- Quality Evaluation of Speech and Speech Technology
- Measuring, processing, and modeling articulation
- Phonetic, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic aspects in technical applications
- Studies and applications in paralinguistics
- Models of speech acquisition
- Acoustic and visual pattern recognition
- Musical, biological, and technical signals – applications and processing
- Applications in medical, healthcare, and rehabilitation technologies
- Cognitive and neural systems
- Speech technology in industrial and home environments
We also welcome contributions on related topics, as well as progress reports or theoretical discussions. We expressly encourage students to make a submission to become eligible for this year’s Best Student Paper Award. The conference will be held in German and English. All accepted submissions will appear in the conference proceedings published in the series “Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation“ by TUDpress and in the public online archive of the ESSV (
Simultaneously, we want to announce the Research Topic (Frontiers in Computer Science) Towards Omnipresent and Smart Speech Assistants and ask for abstract submissions.
Important dates:
- Conference: March 3–5, 2021
- Submission deadline for an extended abstract (1 page): December 4, 2020
- Notification of acceptance: until December 18, 2020
- Camera-ready paper submission deadline (max. 8 pages): January 22, 2021
- Early registration deadline: February 1, 2021