author = {Harald Höge},
booktitle = {Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2017},
title = {Human Feature Extraction – The Role of the Articulatory Rhythm},
year = {2017},
editor = {Jürgen Trouvain and Ingmar Steiner and Bernd Möbius},
month = mar,
pages = {364--371},
publisher = {TUDpress, Dresden},
abstract = {Neuro-physical investigations [1] hint to a new paradigm for feature extraction
not used in ASR. This paradigm is based on synchronized brain to brain oscillations,
active during speech production and speech perception. This mechanism leads
to an evolving theory, the author calls the Unified Theory of Human Speech Processing
(UTHSP). The core elements of this theory are the articulatory rhythm and
the articulatory code. Speech is produced by activating a sequence of articulatory
codes. Each code is transformed to an articulatory gesture steered by entrained gamma
and theta oscillations called the articulatory rhythm. During each cycle of the rhythm,
an articulator gestures is generated. During perception of speech, the articulatory
rhythm of the speaker is reconstructed in the brain of the listener. In the cortex, the
stream of spectro-temporal features delivered by the midbrain is aligned to phrases,
syllables and phones steered by the articulatory rhythm. During each cycle of the
rhythm, the aligned spectro-temporal features are integrated and transformed to a bundle
of articulatory features. Each bundle generated in a cycle describes a cycle-gesture.
In phonetics, each phoneme is described by a phone-gesture. The cycle-gestures seem
to have another structure than the phone-gestures. Thus, the relation between the cyclegestures
and the related phonetic units is unknown. Human feature extraction is finalized
by transforming each bundle of articulatory features to an articulatory code as
used in speech production. Based on the UTHSP, an architecture for mimicking the
extracting of human features is presented.},
isbn = {978-3-959080-92-7},
issn = {0940-6832},
keywords = {Kognitive Modelle},
url = {https://www.essv.de/pdf/2017_364_371.pdf},