Improving the quality of synthesized speech of a Viennese dialect speaker through speaker adaptation


Text-to-speech systems recently experienced a push towards Deep Neural Network-based approaches that achieve high quality for standard languages. Such systems especially benefit from big datasets that often are not available for dialects. By the example of a Standard Austrian German speaker and a Viennese Dialect speaker, it is examined if a combined training can improve the quality of the dialect speaker. We use the term “dialect” here because it is well known for describing regional language variation, although the Viennese dialect is a sociolect in the strict sense, since the variation is on a social dimension. It is shown that the similarities between those varieties are sufficient to benefit from the additional data. Using an open source neural network speech synthesis system [1], an average voice model is built and afterwards used to fine-tune it to the Viennese Dialect speaker. In a subjective listening test, participants are asked to rate stimuli in relation to perceived naturalness. Synthetic audio samples of the proposed model are judged as more natural compared to a baseline model where training is only based on the Viennese Dialect speaker. An objective evaluation indicates that – in reference to the natural recording – mel-cepstral distortion is roughly the same for both systems. When fine-tuning the average voice to the Standard Austrian German speaker, no remarkable benefits can be found. Additionally, it is tested whether a method called multi-task learning can further improve the synthesis quality by using additional pole-zero features for modeling nasal and lateral phones. Looking at objective and subjective measures, we conclude that in a multi-task learning setting the use of additional pole-zero features does not increase speech quality.

Year: 2022
In session: Prosody
Pages: 228 to 234