ESSV Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung

4 Results for given search request:

"Ngoc Thang Vu" in Authors


First step Towards Enhancing Word Embeddings with Pitch Accent Features for DNN-based Slot Filling on Recognized Text

Sabrina Stehwien, Ngoc Thang Vu


Investigation of densely connected convolutional networks with domain adversarial learning for noise robust speech recognition

Chia Yu Li, Ngoc Thang Vu

Convolutional neural networks can learn duration for detecting pitch accents and lexical stress

Sabrina Stehwien, Antje Schweitzer, Ngoc Thang Vu

IMS-speech: A speech to text tool

Pavel Denisov, Ngoc Thang Vu